School Blog

Welcome to our school blog. This part of our website features interesting articles which give an insight into our core values and educational expertise. 

Click on the images below to access the blogs:

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Spotlight On... Mr Hoare, Head of Music

 Our 'Spotlight On...' series catches up with Mr Hoare as the academic year comes to a close with a wonderful Summer Concert.

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Spotlight On... Miss De'Ath, Outdoor Education Coordinator

 Our 'Spotlight On...' series this month follows Miss De'Ath as many of our students complete their Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

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Spotlight On... Mr Hancock - Head of Year 11

 This'Spotlight On...' focuses on our Head of Year 11 as his cohort embark on their GCSE and BTEC Public Examinations.

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Spotlight On... Mr Tachon - Head of Year 7

This 'Spotlight On...'  shines a light on our Head of Year 7 


Why Take on the Three Peaks Challenge? Well, why not!

We asked our intrepid Headteacher, Mr Fletcher, more about his motivation to take part in this iconic adventure.


Spotlight On... Mrs Hill - Head of Sixth Form 

This is the first in Our 'Spotlight On...' series, which shines a light onto the positions held by some of our key members of staff. 

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Character Education

We have introduced eight Character Pillars to underpin our school Values. 

Character Education supports curriculum learning, ensuring that our students have the skills and tools needed as they move through their time at Charters and beyond. COMPASSION was spoken about with students in all year groups as we approached Holocaust Memorial Day in January.

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Spotlight On... Ms Rowthorn - Designated Safeguarding Lead

This is the second in Our 'Spotlight On...' series, which shines a light onto the positions held by some of our key members of staff. 

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Spotlight On... Ms Kalsi - our Careers Advisor

This is the third in Our 'Spotlight On...' series, which this month shines a light onto our Careers Advisor as we celebrate National Careers Week.