Home Learning


Home learning is set at Charters School so that students can be provided with the experience of working by themselves, without immediate recourse to other students or a teacher.  It consolidates or extends work begun in school, and it develops a habit of private and independent study. 

While it is appreciated that some students with learning difficulties or home problems may not find it easy to complete regular home learning assignments, teachers will set home learning assignments in the expectation that the students will complete it.


  • INDEPENDENCE - to encourage students to develop the practice of independent study and autonomous learning skills
  • PERSEVERANCE - to develop perseverance and self-discipline
  • PRACTICE - to allow practice, where it is needed, of skills learned in the classroom
  • PREPARATION – to allow students to prepare for future lessons (pre-teaching) or revise for an upcoming class test or examination
  • ENRICHMENT - to open up areas of study and to make possible the use of materials and sources of information that are not accessible in the classroom.


Parents are encouraged to support their children in the successful completion of home learning.  We also encourage the parents to contact the Tutor, Head of Year or Head of Department if they are concerned about any issue regarding home learning.

Similarly, we will contact parents if we feel there are frequent problems which the parents could help resolve. Students can also raise problems with their Tutor or subject teacher


The school has several channels of support for students who encounter genuine difficulties completing home learning satisfactorily. These include Homework Clubs run by the SEN department which are invitation only and GCSE and A level clinics run by several subject areas during the course of the year.  

If a student is absent for one or two days at a time, it is the student’s responsibility in consultation with his/her subject teacher to catch up with home learning tasks.  In the case of a longer period of absence the Tutor and/or Head of Year will meet with the student and/or liaise with parents to draw up a timetable for the catching up of assignments.

For an overview of our expectations and types of Home Learning,  please see the documents below:

KS3 Expectations

KS3 Types of Home Learning

KS4 Expectations & Types of Home Learning