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Unity Fund
The Unity Fund is a discretionary source of financial help available to full time students. The aim of the Fund is to help families who are experiencing financial difficulty.
You can apply to the fund for help with:
- Curriculum trips and visits
- Uniform, shoes or sports kit
- Other materials or equipment required for School
- Expenses to attend seminars, interviews or work experience placements
- Emergency travel expenses
Payments from the Fund are discretionary and if awarded do not need to be repaid. Grants will not normally exceed £150
To apply to the Unity Fund an application should be made to unityfund@chartersschool.org.uk
Information and guidance relating to the Unity Fund can be found below. The document also contains the application form on pages 3 and 4:
If you would like to begin a regular donation to the Unity Fund to help students at Charters School please click on the button below which links directly with our CAF Donate page.
By donating through CAF Donate we are able to gain an additional 25% from donors who are UK tax payers, so please do remember to tick the box as you make your donation.
Thank you for your support