Charters 111

Our House System


At Charters all students and staff are divided into three Houses; Bulldogs, Panthers and Eagles. These Houses provide students with a host of opportunities to contribute to and get involved with. From events and competitions to Sports Day, the House system promotes our school motto of Unity Respect Excellence and strengthens the bond between students and staff who share the same House.

Points are awarded for every House activity and each year the House with the most points is celebrated in the final assembly and their name added to the ‘House Winners’ board in our Main Hall.  The House system is co-ordinated by Mrs Hartwell and led by staff Heads of House and Sixth Form Student House Captains.Shields


We are proud to announce our House charities for the 2023-24 academic year and look forward to raising money, and awareness, to help these amazing local organisations.

1The Jane Metson Foundation
2 Sebastian's Action Trust
3Food 4 Children