PSHEC is delivered as part of the Personal Development Lesson.

PSHE and Citizenship students at Charters School will develop their knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills which will complement the personal qualities of each student.  The PHSEC programme of study:

•    Health and Mental wellbeing
•    Relationships, Sex, Sexuality and Identity
•    Living in the Wider World: Risk and Safety, Communities and Finance.

Students will obtain balanced information to encourage empathy regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic position and in turn this will enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

This means students will:

  • Question the so called ‘Norms’ in society. Develop confidence in being able to challenge when they think something is wrong i.e. ‘Rape Culture’, ‘Racism’
  • Understand the diverse country/world they live in. Empathise with Gender identities: Gender fluidity, multi-faith, ethnic, race, appreciate difference.
  • Question and assess what behaviours could change outcomes: Knife Crime, County Lines, Exploitation.Critical thinking is key.

Assessment is ipsative & reflective and not performance based.


Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4 

Key Stage 5